Music Is Magic

Music Is Magic

“Music Is Magic” is Real Raw Records’, Theme Song, Charity Initiative, and Corporate Creed Mantra. Original Song Written By
☆KanD Johnson☆

Your donations are used for a hand up not a hand out. We help less fortunate people who are doing the best they can, so they deserve our support as a community.


*”Do you know any drummers looking for a band?*

Calling all Musicians

“We are on a mad hunt for a kick ass drummer like this, that’s ready for a nationalwide tour
#Rock #Funk and #Soul Band

Original Music some Remixes
If you are interested or know someone
#CallMe 518-732-5729

Music Is Magic


*”Where can I donate?*

Where can I donate my music instruments?

I am looking for a charity to donate.

Are you searching for a charity to donate?

What donations are acceptable?

Can I get a tax deductible receipt if I donate my musical instrument to a charity?

Calling all Musicians

Advice “Donate your instrument to people who love music.”

“Be reassured your instrument will be used to create music from the soul for the soul”

There are a variety of ways for which we can use the instrument to fuel our charitable purposes.

Want to be a part of

History in the making?

Donate help us create!

Help make dreams a reality for those who, without our help would loose hope.

Music Is Magic Nationalwide Tour is a fundraising initiative to help creative people earn a living by using their natural talents and abilities.

Your donations are used for a hand up not a hand out.

Original Music some Remixes
If you are interested in donating an instrument or know someone
#CallUs 518-732-5729