About Konnect

About Konnect

Konnect, a Spam Free Content Rich Search Engine Source

Source of Information Strictly4Gs

What is a Video Press Site? We are the only ones who could explain what it is because KanD originated the idea stemming from our original creation of the term Video Press Releases.

Trend set on Youtube. People are catching on and we appreciate the fans and swagswipers who help to spread the trends we set.

KanD is a very creative in nature and will create illustrative words and phrases to decribe situations, or people’s behavior. KanD originated the term “Swagswipers”


What is a swagswiper?

What is a Swag swiper?

What is swagswipin?

What is Swag swiping?

Swagswipers are people who dig KanD style in one way or another but use the creative ideas and pretend they originated it.

  • Swagswipin is when you steal someone else’s style and make claim of origination or allow people to assume you are the originator intentionally to build your own fan base.
  • Not to be confused with fans who naturally imitate their idol. Real Fans will be delighted to say where they got a term or style from.
  • Swag swipers are jealous hearted people who are leachlike fans who will never like, subscribe, comment or share the post, or video they stole from because they don’t want their fans or audience to know they got the idea from you.
  • Not giving credit to other people’s talent or ideas so you can swipe their credit for setting the trend or just having natural swag.
  • The term Swag swiper had become a trend, but it was created because of the social trend of content idea theft which KanD observed the behavior of people on all her social media pages. People were following her and stealing ideas. She referred to this social trend as Swag swipin.

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Examples of Swag swipin

Below is a playlist of examples of people who were caught committing the act Swag swiping with the use of the words not giving credit to the originator.

All of the ideas and creative marketing trends provided via this site and all associated sites are the express creative intellectual property of the Legendary Rock Singer, Professional Performer, and Serial Entrepreneur, KanD Johnson.

The only Kand with a Capital “D”. Hence the reason “Connect” is spell with a “K”.

Legendary Trademark

Question: “What is a nonprofit?


Examples of Video Press Release
Video Press Swag Swipers

Advice “How to become a part of the Legendary Movement?”

Question: Who originated the Legendary Movement?

#MusicIndustry History in the making! #SocialTrendsetters

Do you want to earn money and support a good cause?

Me too 😯

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